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28/07/2023 @ 09:00 – 30/07/2023 @ 16:00
Europe/London Timezone
Creech Wood
Creech Woods
United Kingdom
Creech Woods
United Kingdom
Creech Wood Remembers
In association with Forestry England and The National Festival of Archeology, on the 29th and 30th July 2023, Creech Wood near Denmead will be staging a WW2 pre D Day camp. We aim to show how the men lived in the camps before boarding their ships for Normandy.
There will be guided tours to show the buildings we have recently unearthed and you will be able to talk to the men and women about what life would have been like in the weeks leading up to D Day.
They will have original kit and tents, a demonstration of the cookhouses, military vehicles and training.
There will also be a display of RAF photo reconnaissance who took the aerial photos.
This re-enactment will be as close as possible to to how it was in April and May 1944 so other than a NAAFI truck do not expect burger and ice cream vans.
These woods were used by the Kings Own Scottish Borderers, plus Canadian Troops of the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders and members of Montgomery’s Tactical H.Q. After the war it was used as a POW camp so look out for escaping prisoners!
Please note that parking is very limited so you may want to make arrangements to be dropped off.
This is a free event but there will be collection boxes with proceeds going to Project 71 to support WW2 Veterans.